Thursday, 12 May 2011

Vapor trails

I have one eye open because the other is red and weeping, I'm a proper face ache!
Hayfever is rubbish, my brother spent most of his life suffering and I never realised quite how horrible it is, it affects my singing voice as well. bah!
The other day I was walking along the street with my mate Jim and he was telling me about the 'vapor trail  conspiracies', if you dont know about it then I'll tell you, its the idea that the government is dropping chemicals on us from the jet engines of aeroplanes, what for is anyones guess, Jim thinks its to stupify the general public, my thoughts are that its to create sickness and allergies.
How come people are developing hayfever and other allergies so much? and we all know how much money there is in the drugs market when it comes to preventing sickness or keeping it at bay, you could even live your life normally with HIV now with the help of drugs, funny how there is never a cure, and it cripples us, and makes us dependant, I walk around like a zombie when my hayfever flares up!
Most people know that I have little trust in people with power, for good reason I'd say considering that they have now been finding babies being born in fallujah with deformaties just after the war there, it was heavily bombed durring the Iraq war and there was ment to be no more chemical weapons or uranium tipped missiles used, but sure enough they were, because our governments couldn't care less about these things and none ever will.
Yesterday I found out there is estrogen in the tap water!! I've bought a water filter.


  1. Regarding your estrogen point, Nan is convinced that is the very reason why there are far more gays around than in 'her day'. ie All the estrogen in tap water is causing men to wanna be girls lol

  2. And I'm the hysterical one...
