Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Pop culture...

I would like to discuss this strange notion that people seem to have regarding 'pop'.
Surely it means something which is popular? not a genre of some kind. Yet people have a hard time with it, as if it means something is shit! Granted that most things in 'pop' culture are, I wont deny it, weather its music, art, interior design or modern cars, its about whats easily exported on mass to make maximum amounts of money. But if something great becomes pop then they suddenly dont like it, or they will not except that it is.
However, sometimes great art does become mainstream, as great things inevitable will, they come once every so often and stick the test of time, often its hard at the time to see if something will live forever, but as other things fall to the side these great works last, like 'the beatles' for an obvious and extremely exhausted example, they are pop and created great music and time has shown it.

Sometimes, when im going off at someone about great or true art they say things to me like "well, not ALL music needs to be a master piece, or moving or out of this world!", and generally with those answers, like all the pre-learned and heard before answers, you take this as something widely viewed and exceptable because it sounds knowledgeable, BUT however I think otherwise, I think that it SHOULD be those things.
My Dad told me once that everything I do should be the best I could do it, and I agree with him, if its not then why bother at all?

The difficulty now is the ability that technology gives the entire world a means to create and have the world to view it, so now we are swamped by such an intense amount of rubbish its hard to see the true light, however I love the freedom that the internet brings, but even with my limited faith in humanity being able to see sense, I still believe in the truth seekers who sometimes bring us wonderful, untainted art.

So heres my point, im trying to create the best music I can, forever striving for the pure thing, I made myself sick over these recordings trying to do it, and I would love for everyone to love my work, but I realise that there will always be people who dont, but that if people feel something deep from your art, if you truely tapped into that place that hits your soul, then chances are it will receive some kind of popular aclaim and im totally OK with that. right?

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